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Laboratorio Lúdico is an educational consultancy founded in 2017 by Ragnar Behncke, who seeks to build a bridge between the biological evolution of human beings and the innovation of learning in school. He highlights the application of his observations of Bonobos Chimpanzees in Africa in books and teacher training workshops with the Ministry of Education of Chile and Mexico, Fundación la Fuente, Lego Foundation, Universities and Public and private schools in Latin America.


I studied at a Waldorf school. I studied Baccalaureate at the University of Chile and trained in Cultural Biology with Humberto Maturana. I went to live in the Congo to film Bonobos Salvajes, searching, together with Isabel Behncke, for the evolutionary roots of play and laughter. I worked at the CIAE (Center for Advanced Research in Education) creating technologies to measure social interactions in the classroom. I have been teaching play and learning classes since 2014 for both teacher training and students.

In 2017 I published the book "1, 2, 3 for me and for all my classmates: the seriousness of play at school" together with the Ministry of Education. Based on the findings of this book, I founded the educational consultancy "Laboratorio Lúdico" promoting a playful attitude and the creation of games by teachers to address curricular challenges. In 2022 I published "The Evolution of Learning: biological foundations to reimagine school" with Fundación la Fuente. Based on the findings of this book, I developed the "CCEA Workshop" (Collective Creation based on the Evolution of Learning), where scientific and artistic tools are provided to promote the development of collective strategies for common challenges, both in education and in other contexts. collaborative.

I am currently working with The Lego Foundation and Education to Share creating the course "Evolution and Play" for the training of teachers of the Ministry of Public Education (SEP) of Mexico.

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©2021 Ludic Laboratory

illustrations by Rina Letelier

web design by Animala Estudio

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